Proposals to support accommodation needs of gypsy, traveller and showpeople communities in Calderdale are set to go out to consultation, if senior councillors agree.

When they meet on Monday, June 3, Calderdale Council Cabinet members will consider a development plan document on the issue.

If approved by Cabinet, the consultation will ask people to have their say on the processes for identifying and assessing proposed sites, and submit ideas for potential sites to consider, rather than identifying any specific sites at this stage.

The council is looking at ways to support accommodation needs of these communities, in line with Government planning policy and legislation, members are told.

There is a national requirement for the council to prepare a Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Development Plan Document (DPD) to go alongside its Local Plan, which councillors approved last spring.

The aim is to help ensure suitable, specific pitches are provided in sustainable locations to meet the needs of the communities, helping everyone to access a decent home and local services.

It should also bring opportunities for people to access to fulfilling employment, and allow people to move around the borough and travel safely, sustainably and conveniently, say the briefing papers prepared by officers.

It should also ensure the travelling community and existing residents can live in local communities in a peaceful and inclusive way.

The council has been discussing options with local organisations and communities for some time, councillors are told, with Cabinet members now asked to approve the public consultation to gather more views.