Detectives investigating a murder more than 40 years ago have issued a renewed call for help. 

James ‘Jimmy’ Adams was stabbed multiple times and left to die in the darkness at around 12.45am on Tuesday, May 26, 1981.

‘Jimmy’ had finished his shift as a glass collector at the New Beehive pub and turned down an offer from his colleagues to a late meal.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus:  James 'Jimmy' Adams had just finished his shift as a glass collector at the New Beehive pub James 'Jimmy' Adams had just finished his shift as a glass collector at the New Beehive pub

He said his goodbyes and headed for home - but the 46-year-old would never make it.

Instead of walking directly to his flat in Heaton Road, Manningham, Mr Adams stopped at a block of public toilets at the junction of Carlisle Road and Bavaria Place.

Eyewitnesses spotted another man follow him into the darkness and moments later heard screams coming from the public toilets.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Police at the scene of the crime in 1981Police at the scene of the crime in 1981 (Image: Archive)

Mr Adams stumbled out into the street and collapsed as the suspect walked out behind him, still holding the Bowie knife used to stab his victim 22 times.

He died in an ambulance from multiple stab wounds before reaching Bradford Royal Infirmary less than a mile away.

Brave onlookers chased the killer and one even managed to grab hold of him at the nearby Marlborough service station, but he slipped away.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus:

An artist's impression of the suspect was produced back in 1981 while the case was reopened in 2003 when new DNA evidence was uncovered.

The suspect was described as a white male, between 5ft 6 inches and 5ft 8 inches tall, of a medium build, with dirty blonde collar length hair. He was wearing distinctive thick "bottle bottom" glasses.

At the time, witnesses suggested the man looked to be around 25 to 35 years old. This would place the suspect between the ages of 67 to 77 today.

A witness described him as looking like the singer John Denver. 

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Early police appealEarly police appeal

Detectives said Jimmy had no enemies following their early enquiries.

Speaking ahead of the anniversary of his death, Detective Sergeant Richard Ord, from the Major Investigation Team, said:  “West Yorkshire Police never files or closes undetected serious offences until they are solved. 

“We are reviewing this case and hoping a re-appeal on the anniversary of the murder, it might jog people's memories.

“We appreciate it is a long time ago, but any information however small could be the line of enquiry that we need to identify this man.  

“Our focus remains on James and his family and seeking justice for them, no matter how long ago.” 

If you have information which may assist, contact the Major Investigation Review Team on 101 or use the contact options on the West Yorkshire Police website.

Information can also be reported anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.