POLICE are continuing to search for those who left a car after it smashed into a row of Bradford houses.

Emergency services were called to Park Lane in Little Horton just after 6pm last night (Monday) after a car crashed into three homes, damaging their gardens, and leaving rubble in its wake.

Video footage showed that a BMW 320 skidded on the road, came over the kerb, collided with one home, rolled over smashing through garden fencing and a canopy, before coming to rest on its side in front of one of the homes.

No injuries were reported, the West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service confirmed.

The footage showed three occupants getting out of the car before police arrived.

Police say they are "following up a number of lines of enquiry including CCTV".

The vehicle was seized pending forensic examination and structural engineers made the house safe.

Homeowner reaction

One of the families spoke to the T&A about the “shocking” incident.

A Park Lane homeowner impacted by the crash said: “You could hear the revving of the engine from up the road.

“Our family was upstairs, my daughter was playing and my son and I were playing a game of FIFA, then I heard what sounded like two cars smashing.

“There was a massive thud and you could feel it shook the building. It was shocking.

“I looked outside and you could see the car sitting on its side in front of our neighbour’s home."

Full West Yorkshire Police statement

A spokesperson for the force said: "Police are appealing for witnesses after a vehicle crashed into a house on Park Lane, Bradford on Monday evening.

"Officers were called at 6.16pm to reports a grey BMW had left the road and collided into the house 

"Initial reports suggested two people left the vehicle, but further enquiries believe there were three people in the vehicle at the time.  

"All had left prior to police arrival.  

"Officers are following up a number of lines of enquiry including CCTV.  

"The vehicle has been seized pending forensic examination.  

"Structural engineers made the house safe.

"Officers would appeal to anyone who was in the area at the time and saw the vehicle prior to the collision or who may have seen the people in the vehicle to come forward.

"Information can be given via 101 or via the live chat facility at www.westyorkshire.police.uk/contactus quoting log 1505."