A BRADFORD nursery is celebrating being rated 'outstanding' following a recent Ofsted inspection.

Wyke Community and Children's Centre Limited was judged to be 'good' when it was last visited by the education watchdog in 2018.

The Huddersfield Road-based centre achieved the top rating in all four categories following an inspection on March 13.

Twenty-one members of staff are employed at Wyke CCC and they cater for 134 children aged between one and 11.

Ofsted said employees "go above and beyond to provide children with the individual support that they need to reach their full potential".

The report said: "Staff meticulously gather detailed information from parents about their children and use this to shape children's learning experiences from the beginning.

"Leaders and staff work tirelessly to ensure children have the best start in life."

Children benefit from the "ambitious curriculum and learning experiences staff plan for them" at the centre.

They also "flourish and make excellent rates of progress in their all-round development".

The report added: "Children prosper due to the nurturing and caring relationships staff build with them.

"Staff act as excellent role models for children, with their warm and welcoming approach.

"They have high expectations of children's behaviour and reinforce rules and boundaries consistently."

Ofsted highlighted how all children make "excellent rates of progress from their starting points".

Reading and outdoor activities were also something that stood out to inspector Jennifer Dove.

She said: "Children develop a real love for reading. They thoroughly enjoy listening to stories staff read to them during group reading time.

"Children thoroughly enjoy playing outdoors in the fresh air.

"They have plenty of opportunities to develop their coordination, balance, spatial awareness and gross motor skills while using balance bikes, trikes and scooters."

Centre manager Joanne and her team said: "This recognition from Ofsted is a significant milestone for us and reinforces our position as a leading Early Years provider for our local community."

Speaking to parents, she said: "We are extremely proud and would also like to express our gratitude to every one of you for your ongoing support and partnership that are so vital in making our centre the success that it is.

"The report provides an overview of the strengths identified during the inspection and offers valuable insights into the ‘outstanding’ quality of our provision and education."