THE restoration of a row of Victorian shop fronts in Bradford city centre has been approved.

Earlier this year, applications for changes to 49-53 Darley Street were submitted to Bradford Council.

If approved, the development would involve the removal of modern shop fronts and the installation of more traditional designs.

The upper floors of the row of five shops would also be converted into nine apartments.

The applications, by M Shabir, said the work would “preserve the building’s historical significance” as well as find a use for vacant upper floor spaces.

The plans have now been approved by planning officers.

Conservation officers said: “The existing shopfronts detract from the frontage of the buildings.

“The proposed replacement shopfronts will be more in keeping with the original appearance of the building.

“The replacement shopfronts will improve the appearance of the buildings which front onto Darley Street and enhance the setting of the conservation area.”