THE University of Bradford has revealed it has started a resignation scheme as it looks to make massive savings. 

Last month, the Telegraph & Argus reported the university was planning to implement a mutually agreed resignation scheme (MARS).

It has today confirmed the scheme was now underway.

MARS allows employees, in agreement with their employer, to choose to give up their job in return for a severance payment.

A spokesperson for the University of Bradford said this morning: "The University of Bradford has launched a MARS for staff who wish to leave the organisation.

"As this process is ongoing, we are unable to comment further at this time."

In a statement to the T&A last month, the university said reducing staff costs would help it achieve savings of around £10million. 

The statement said: "Along with many other higher education institutions, we have been forced to deal with the harsh realities of balancing rising costs against a fall in income.

"In the next financial year, we plan to make savings to our underlying cost base of around £10m.

"This will be achieved through reducing staff costs and driving down operational costs.

"We will continue to work with all stakeholders and are committed to keeping staff fully informed."