OPPOSITION councillors have “called in” two decisions linked to business and housing developments near Brighouse.

Earlier this month, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet approved “in principle” using compulsory purchase powers to secure land which would become a £12.2 million link road for a proposed new business park at Clifton, Brighouse.

They also agreed to submit a £600,000 bid to West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Employment Land Accelerator Fund to fund the next stages of work for the Clifton Business Park.

Cabinet members said these were important decisions concerning the development of the infrastructure route and business park to boost the borough’s economic future and help attract people to live and work in Calderdale.

But the business park needs further consideration, some opposition councillors believe.

The decisions have been called in for scrutiny by Cllr Peter Caffrey (Con, Northowram and Shelf), who is a member of the board, group leader Cllr Steven Leigh (Con, Ryburn) and Cllr Howard Blagbrough (Con, Brighouse).

The decisions have been called in for scrutiny because the councillors believe further scrutiny is necessary to consider the merits of using compulsory purchase powers for the road, which is linked to the Clifton Business Park Enterprise Zone proposals, and the merits of the enterprise zone, for which the accelerator funding is sought.

The call-ins will be heard at Place Scrutiny Board’s meeting on March 25.