THE proposed sale of over 150 Council-owned buildings and assets has prompted a strong reaction among Bradford residents.

Bradford Council recently revealed a list of assets that it proposes to sell in an attempt to stave off bankruptcy.

The list includes car parks, former schools and potential housing sites throughout the district.

With some properties the Council holds the freehold, but other businesses own the leasehold on a long term basis.

A lot of farmland appears on the list - and that was one of the main talking points among Telegraph & Argus readers.

More than 220 readers commented on the Facebook post accompanying the list of assets.

One of them, Justine Lewyk, said: "Shocked at some of the assets shown. All those farms? Many other sites too that I would never have guessed. Very worrying."

Pamela Smart said: "Hope they don’t sell the farms to developers, all that green space potentially gone. Surely the council would be better off with the income generated by some of these sites. Once they are sold that’s a one off amount of money to the council and that will soon be spent. Genuinely shocked at the list of potential places to be sold."

Jackie Smith said: "All those farms, omg, hope the tenants survive."

Janet Greenhough said: "That looks like a lot of tenants going out of business."

However, Ryan Firth responded: "Did you read this? Because it states that old tenants won’t notice the effect. The contract that they have in place will be transferred over. So if you’re buying it as an investment why would you kick the tenants out?"

Some readers questioned the long-term wisdom of the sell-off.

Adam Wilkinson said: "What a short sighted move."

Lee Ward said: "All the family silver will be gone to pay for the interest on loans, etc when alot of these lands were given to the city.... for pasture and benefit.... if you've got £1 coming in you don't spend £1.10... or is it me."

Others debated who was to blame for the need to sell off assets, with Vera Martin among those who pointed to central rather than local government.

She said: "Have you been 'genuinely shocked ' by how the Tory government have cut funding to local government? If not, then you need to have a look - it explains why 50% of councils across England are unable to balance their books. A huge proportion of council revenue goes on Children's Services and Adult Social Care. Do you know how much I wonder ? Please do a bit of research before having a go."

Rory Burke responded: "People always play politics blaming another party. The council have been unfit for a long time wasting money right left and centre. They cannot be allowed to sell off our assets and leave us with continued debt. Time will tell but just hope the majority of green spaces are retained."

David Nettleton said: "Am shocked the council actually owned some of those sites which should be in private hands."

Jonathan Le Grâs said: "The land will get built on (and not with affordable homes) but more importantly, once it's gone it will be gone forever.

"Car parks... Again probably built on or taken over by parking companies who will just rip of the punters. Need I continue?

"How much money is this likely to make? Will it come close to filling the cash hole?

"And what happens next time? They'll have sold all these things off, so won't be able to do it another time.