BOSSES at West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) have finally met with councillors to discuss the closure of Bradford Interchange’s bus station.

It was shut on January 4 as a “precautionary measure” due to what WYCA described as damage “believed to be linked to the recent weather”.

It emerged towards the end of January that “a degree of concrete fall” led to the closure and this caused issues in the basement area of the city centre station.

This happened on December 22, leading to the closure of the car park and, just under two weeks later, the closure of the entire bus station.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Bradford Interchange could be closed for several weeks as surveys take place

Councillor Matt Edwards, leader of the Greens in Bradford, has been calling for answers and welcomed the meeting – but said it should have happened far sooner.

'Communication needs to be better'

He told the T&A: "I'm glad that WYCA bosses have finally met with Bradford councillors so we could raise the concerns of residents, business owners and bus drivers.

“However, I made it very clear, two months was far too long for us to wait for this meeting and the communication both with councillors and the public needs to be better.”

He added: "Many of the issues we raised were acknowledged and I was glad to hear they are prioritising getting the concourse open as a starting point so rail passengers have facilities again.

"But it feels like we will still be looking at months before we get more of an idea on what happens next.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Bradford Interchange

"In the meantime, the priority needs to be getting the temporary measures right for passengers, improving the reliability of services and making sure bus drivers have better rest facilities."

The T&A put Cllr Edward’s comments to WYCA and a spokesperson referred us to the latest general update, issued on February 28.

These are now being published weekly.

What is the latest on the closure of Bradford Interchange's bus station?

In the update. WYCA said: "Initial survey work is now complete. We are awaiting submission of the final report and will provide an update in due course.

“Demolition of the adjacent NCP multi-storey car park on Hall Ings is underway, which will allow Bradford Council to move forward with elements of its plan to redevelop the station frontage.

“In total, 1,200 buses per day have been moved from the Interchange to around 45 alternative bus stops within the city.”

People should check before they travel at

WYCA added: “Over 100 signs are in place around the city to help passengers find where they need to go.

“Staff also undertake regular patrols to ensure any missing or damaged signage is replaced.

“Bus shelters are in place on Nelson Street and Bridge Street.

“An MCard ticketing machine in Bradford Interchange rail station means passengers are able to purchase and top up cards. More than 250 MCard products have been sold since installation.

“Our Safer Travel PCSOs have been deployed to bus shelters and bus stops in the city and are being supported by Bradford’s Neighbourhood Policing Team and other routine police patrols.

“Bus station travel centre staff are working from the rail ticket office to assist customers with bus passes and to provide information. Staff are offering advice and support to around 50 passengers per day.”