AN anti-social quad bike rider who promised never to appear in court again has been told by a judge that he is guaranteed jail time if he breaks the law in future.

Charlie Faulding was back in Bradford Crown Court after being caught by police riding pillion on a quad bike, which put him in breach of a Criminal Behaviour Order that banned him from riding a quad bike without insurance, as well as a suspended prison sentence.

But the 23-year-old, from Norbury Road in Bradford, again avoided jail after a judge agreed it would be “unjust” to send him to prison.

Prosecutor Oliver Norman told the court that Faulding was arrested on February 5 following a tip-off from members of the public that they were on their way to buy a quad bike they believed had been stolen.

Police officers went to the meeting place and hid in bushes to wait for the quad bike to arrive. When it did so the driver and passenger were pulled from it.

Faulding, who was on pillion, was arrested on suspicion of theft of a motor vehicle and whilst in custody was further arrested for breach of a Criminal Behaviour Order.

During an interview, Faulding answered “no comment” to all questions.

Mr Norman said being a passenger on the quad bike amounted to a deliberate breach of the Criminal Behaviour Order imposed last summer when Faulding was sentenced for a string of offences including dangerous driving and careless driving, all whilst riding a quad bike.

He was said to have goaded police officers by driving laps around them and at one point drove at them so that they had to quickly move out of the way.

During that court appearance, Faulding became emotional and, in pleading for a suspended sentence, said: “I promise you will never see my face in court again.”

Mitigating, Lily Wildman said Faulding’s latest offence amounted to “very different circumstances” to previous anti-social and disorderly behaviour that resulted in him receiving a sentence of 19 months imprisonment suspended for two years.

She said riding pillion represented “a de-escalation” in the seriousness of his offending and as a result, it would be “unjust” to activate the suspended sentence and send Faulding to prison.

She said Faulding suffered from anxiety, depression, and ADHD and his mental health had been impacted by the death of his father and the recent death of his mother, for whom he had been a carer.

The court heard that he had recently become a father and had a nine-month child with his partner.

In sentencing Faulding Her Honour Judge Sophie McKone said he had ignored the Criminal Behaviour Order and the suspended sentence - and was in breach of both.

She said: “It does seem to me that you think that these orders are there for fun, and not to be complied with.

“I am just persuaded that it would be unjust to activate [the suspended sentence] because it is a less serious offence.”

She handed Faulding a six-month prison sentence, suspended for two years, to run concurrently with his existing sentence, and ordered him to complete 40 hours unpaid work and pay a victim surcharge of £154.

She added: “You now have two suspended sentence orders. You still have the Criminal Behaviour Order. And if you do anything – and I mean anything – you will be brought back to court, and I will send you to prison.

“I am giving you this chance.”