A TOWN centre takeaway’s attempt to get permission for a late night opening has been refused for a second time.

Plans to build a new takeaway with two flats above it on Market Street, Shipley, were approved by Bradford Council in 2014.

One of the conditions was that the business could only open until 11pm – a condition designed to protect the residents of the planned flats.

The unit is currently occupied by RaJas, and last year the business applied for permission to open until 2am on Fridays and Saturdays.

The application came as the Council began enforcement proceedings against the business, saying: “The occupier of the property has been advised to adhere to the approved opening hours, however the condition is not being complied with.”

The plans were refused, with planners raising concerns about the impact of the late opening on the flats.

A second application was then submitted – this time for a 1am opening on weekends.

Now that application has also been refused.

Planners said: “The only difference in hours from the previous refusal is too close one hour earlier on a Friday and Saturday ‘night’ from a closing time from 2am to 1am.

“The applicant has failed to demonstrate that there would be no unacceptable impact on residential amenity for opening hours past 11pm and does not provide any information for noise mitigation and sound proofing.”