A CHILD rapist has been jailed for 18 years at Bradford Crown Court.

Sean Dooley, 57, of Shirley Manor Gardens, Wyke, sexually abused his victim, and raped her twice.

Dooley was convicted on November 23 last year following a nine-day trial.

He was heard singing to himself and humming whilst appearing via video link from HMP Leeds for his sentencing on Monday.

Relatives of the victim, who were in court, cried “Yes!” when his sentence was announced.

In a statement read out in court, the victim said Dooley’s abuse “affected my entire life”.

She added that she had “erased memories of my entire childhood” in an attempt to block out what had happened to her.

In her statement to the court, the victim said the abuse she suffered had left her with anxiety and depression.

She spoke of how the abuse made her a “completely different person to who I was”.

She said the four years since reporting Dooley to the police had been “traumatic” and that she regularly had nightmares “screaming out and struggling and fighting with someone in my sleep”.

Defence barrister Paul Canfield said Dooley continues to maintain his innocence.

In jailing Dooley Her Honour Judge Kirstie Watson described him as “an offender of particular concern” who posed “a high risk of serious harm” towards children.

She said she was concerned that he was not accepting of the offence for which he had been convicted.

She said: “The impact of your crimes on her has been significant.

“She has tried to move on but … it is clear your offences impacted every area of her life [leaving] her feeling isolated, guilty, ashamed, and alone.”

She said the victim had suffered “severe psychological harm” and told Dooley: “The responsibility for the pain and suffering lies with one person, and that is with you.”

She jailed Dooley for a total of 18 years for two counts of rape as well as inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, sexual assault of a child, and assault by penetration. 

Dooley was also added to the sex offenders’ register for life.

Detective Sergeant Hannah Andrews, of the Bradford Child Safeguarding Unit, said Dooley had committed "horrendous offences" and praised the bravery of his victim.

"She has shown immense courage coming forward to report these crimes to the police and I hope Dooley’s conviction and imprisonment brings her some comfort as she continues to move forward with her life," said DS Andrews. 

“We would urge anyone who has been a victim of a sexual offence, whether recently or some time ago, to report it.

"We have specialist child and adult safeguarding units across the force who investigate these kinds of offences and ensure that victims are offered the support they need.”