A 22-year-old driver who was stopped by police because he failed to slow down in a 30mph limit was over the drug limit.

Tommi Oddie was stopped by police as he drove a Ford Fiesta in Broughton Road, Skipton, at 4.10pm on August 26, last year, heard Skipton Magistrates' Court.

The officer saw his eyes were red and carried out a roadside drug test that was positive.

The later evidential test showed he had 3.8 microgrammes of cannabis by-product, Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol per litre of blood. The specified limit is two.

Oddie, of Queens Garth, Thornton-in -Craven, and with no previous convictions, pleaded guilty to drug driving.

The court heard in mitigation that Oddie was a plumber and a very hard-working young man who was now in danger of losing his job.

He had used cannabis the night before being stopped in Skipton, but not a huge amount. He lived with his mother and younger siblings and contributed financially to the household and was 'devastated by his error of judgement'.

Oddie was banned from driving for 17 months and fined £200. He was also ordered to pay costs of £85 and a surcharge of £80.