AN 84-year-old motorist swerved to avoid a cyclist while pulling out of a junction and hit two houses, magistrates heard.

Neville Cohen carried on a short distance, stopped to check his vehicle, and drove off, believing he had not caused any damage to the properties, the court heard on Friday.

The cyclist was unhurt and cycled off. 

When he returned to the area later the same day, he saw police, stopped, and told them what had happened. He also contacted the owner of the property and passed over his insurance details.

Cohen, a retired lecturer, of Chapel House Mews, Carleton, was pulling out onto Swan Street, Carleton, in his Volkswagen car at around 10am on June 26, last year, when he saw the cyclist and swerved - hitting 7 and 8 Swan Street, the court heard.

The door jamb on one of the properties was so badly damaged, the door would no longer open, the court was told.

Cohen, of no previous convictions, admitted failing to report an accident and driving without due care and attention.

In mitigation, Keith Blackwell said Cohen was very familiar with the junction and was also a cyclist. He said it was a very difficult junction because sight lines were often restricted by parked cars.

"It is clearly a junction where you have to be very careful. Nothing like this has ever happened to him before, and he is being extra careful now, " said Mr Blackwell.

"He spoke to the tenant of the house and gave his insurance details to the landlord, he never had any intention to avoid what he had done."

For failing to report an accident, Cohen had six penalty points added to his driving licence and was fined £224.

He was also ordered to pay a surcharge of £90 and costs of £85. There was no separate penalty for the driving without due care and attention, but his licence will be endorsed.