A DRINK-driver collided with another car while pulling out of a junction, heard magistrates.

Nandor Molnar, 40, received a 40-month driving ban after the court heard it was his second drink-driving offence in 10 years.

Molnar, who appeared at Skipton Magistrates' Court on Friday with a Hungarian translator, admitted drink-driving on Water Street, Skipton, on January 12.

The court heard he was pulling out onto Bridge Street at 3.20pm when he hit the side of another car, causing damage to both vehicles.

Police carried out a roadside breath test - which was positive - and he was taken to the police station where he was found to have 40 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35.

In mitigation, Keith Blackwell said Molnar had been on 'right on the boundary of prosecution'.

Mr Blackwell said Molnar had looked before pulling out, had seen the other vehicle, and had judged he had enough time to pull out, but had been mistaken.

Molnar, of Broughton Road, Skipton, was banned from driving for 40 months and fined £184.

He was also ordered to pay a surcharge of £74 and costs of £85.

Magistrates turned down his request to do a drink-drivers' rehabilitation course which, if completed, would have reduced his ban by 40 weeks.