ACTION has had to be taken after signage put up following the closure of Bradford Interchange's bus station was removed.

West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) closed the bus station in early January after falling concrete sparked big safety concerns.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Bradford Interchange

In its latest update. WYCA said signs put up to help passengers had been stolen.

A spokesperson said: “Signage has been subject to removal by vandals, so more signage is being put in place to help passengers find their way.

“Safer Travel PCSOs are also being deployed to bus shelters and bus stops in the city and are being supported by Bradford’s Neighbourhood Policing Team and other routine police patrols.

“Bus station travel centre staff are working from the rail ticket office to assist customers with bus passes and to provide information.”

“Safety continues to be our top priority, and as the bus station remains closed.

“We thank passengers for their patience while we work hard to resolve the issue and limit disruption.”

WYCA also said: “The lower concourse of the interchange cannot be used by rail passengers, as this is where much of the surveying is taking place.

“We are awaiting an update from the initial survey which has been carried out. We will provide an update on this in due course.”

Earlier this month, councillor Matt Edwards, leader of the Greens in Bradford, urged authorities to act on the closure's impact on rail users.

Cllr Edwards said: “The impact this is having on rail users is also not being talked about. The main concourse of Bradford Interchange is completely closed but this area was used by both bus and rail passengers.”

In some temporary arrangements made by WYCA, bus shelters are in place on Nelson Street and Bridge Street, while an MCard ticketing machine was recently installed in Bradford Interchange rail station to ensure passengers can purchase and top up cards.

The authority is also trying to minimise the impact that the bus station closure is having on the city centre.

“The rail station is open as normal, with access via the ramp footpath on Bridge Street," said the spokesperson.

"Rail services are not affected by the closure, “We are working with Bradford Council and Network Rail to minimise disruption to transformation work that is happening in the city centre.

“We continue to work closely with bus operators to minimise disruption for passengers.”