A SUPPORT group is appealing for a volunteer to come forward and fill a vital role. 

Parkinson's UK’s Skipton and District branch, which offers information, advice, help and friendship to people affected by Parkinson's disease, has issued an urgent plea for a volunteer support group co-ordinator.

The group could face closure in the future if this volunteer does not come forward. 

The support group co-ordinator would assist with the smooth running of the group.

For more information, contact Cara Connolly, local volunteer officer with Parkinson's UK, on 020 7963 3693 or email cconnolly@parkinsons.org.uk

Cara said: "Activities provided by local groups are a lifeline for people in the local area who are living with Parkinson's, but unless new volunteers step forward people could be left without the support they need.

"If you can spare a few hours a month we'd love to welcome you to volunteer alongside the amazing people who are part of the group - because with your support we really can change lives.

"As well as making a big difference to people living with Parkinson's in your local community, volunteering is a great opportunity to try something new, have new experiences, and meet new people.

"Join us today."