A cannabis-user who subjected a woman to “appalling treatment” has been jailed and banned from contacting her for 20 years.

Hassan Hussain, of Northside Road, Bradford, was locked up for three-and-a-half years by a judge at Bradford Crown Court after he heard details of the repeated violence suffered by the complainant.

Hussain, who had no previous convictions for violent offences, pleaded guilty to a charge of controlling or coercive behaviour and two allegations of intentional strangulation.

Prosecutor Ben Whittingham said Hussain, 26, had frequently subjected the woman to physical assaults and threats of violence.

He said the offending escalated in June last year when Hussain became angry because the woman would not show him her mobile phone.

Mr Whittingham said Hussain strangled the complainant on two occasions and bashed her head against a wardrobe.

The following month Hussain subjected the woman to on-and-off violence for two hours after he had been smoking cannabis.

Mr Whittingham said the defendant strangled her numerous times and told the woman:”This is the day I’m going to kill you.”

As he strangled her again Hussain said: ”Today’s the day you will be dead.”

The next day Hussain strangled his victim again and that attack only ended when a neighbour heard the woman’s screams and contacted the police.

Hussain was arrested and the woman later had an X-ray which revealed she had suffered a broken wrist bone during an earlier incident.

Judge Colin Burn imposed a 20-year restraining order which bans Hussain from contacting the complainant or going into the street where she lives.

Barrister Celine Kart, for Hussain, described him as an immature offender who had recognised the need for change.

“At the time he was heavily using, if not addicted to, cannabis,” said Miss Kart.

She submitted that Hussain was remorseful and realised there was still rehabilitation to be done.

Judge Burn said he had to sentence Hussain for very unpleasant violence involving repeated strangulation, punching and kicking.

He said the woman had been terrified when the offending was accompanied by Hussain’s “chilling threat”.

“On any view it was appalling treatment of another human being by you,” he told Hussain.