POLICE have seized another car from Bradford's roads as it was found the woman behind the wheel was not insured to drive it. 

Officers from West Yorkshire Police's Steerside Enforcement Team stopped the vehicle on Queens Road.

A team spokesperson said: "The driver of this vehicle was found to have provided false details, no doubt because she wasn't insured to drive it.

"Correct ID was established and all relevant offences are being progressed.

"The vehicle was seized."

West Yorkshire Police's Steerside Enforcement Team works across Bradford district, deploying officers seven days a week in cars and on bikes. 

Operation Steerside was launched in 2016 specifically to tackle dangerous and anti-social driving in Bradford and evolved two years later into a multi-agency partnership to tackle crimes on the roads. 

People can email bd.steerside@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk to report information to Operation Steerside.