A DRUNK who punched a constable in a Bradford police station has avoided jail.

Shane Brookes was charged with common assault of an emergency worker at Trafalgar House on Nelson Street on May 16, 2023.

Bradford Crown Court heard that Brookes, of Plantation Drive, Bradford, could not remember the incident.

The court heard that at the time he attacked the officer the 45-year-old was subject to a 16-week prison sentence, suspended for two years, for another offence related to excessive drinking a year earlier.

Commenting on the assault Mr Recorder Anthony Hawks said: “I know you’ve got a lot of difficulties but you’re going to have to remember that once they involve punching police officers, then we have to do something about it.

“You are getting to the age where regular visits to the Crown Court dock are to be avoided.”

He opted not to take action on the suspended sentence and instead imposed a 12-month community order and a £50 fine.