To coincide with National Apprenticeship Week, we're shining a light on the Bradford district's emerging workforce through a series of 'Meet the Apprentice' question and answer articles.

Name: Eesa Ubaid Rizwan

Age: 18

Apprentice Level: Level 7

Company they work for: Schofield Sweeney LLP

Apprenticeship provider : BPP University

Introduction about themselves: I am currently studying the level 7 solicitor apprenticeship with Schofield Sweeney LLP sitting in the real estate team. Aside from working and studying, I enjoy reading and learning about history and religion. I also volunteer at my local mosque and support the institution wherever I can.

How long have you been an apprentice: I have been an apprentice for 5 months.

What is your apprenticeship in and why did you choose this sector?

My apprenticeship is the level 7 solicitor apprenticeship. I chose to undertake an apprenticeship in the legal sector after taking part in work experience schemes which gave me an insight into the career of a solicitor. As a solicitor, you are constantly communicating with clients and colleagues as well as other professionals. In addition, as a solicitor apprentice I am able to work on high value matters and learn from a group of experienced professionals.

What does your average working week look like?

My average working week involves one BPP study day. I will take this day to study and attend a university workshop. Aside from this, my week at work usually involves drafting documents, attending meetings, updating clients and attending training sessions. I also have the opportunity to attend professional networking events and participate in my firms wellbeing group.

Why did you opt to do an apprenticeship rather than A Levels or a B Tech ?

I chose to take the apprenticeship route because I have always been a hands-on learner. I am able to apply what I study at work and understand the practical aspect of the job at the same time. In addition, I am also able to develop key skills such as communication and drafting skills which I wouldn’t have been able to develop as well at university.

What is the most rewarding thing about your apprenticeship?

The most rewarding thing is being able to work with a group of experienced professionals. I am able to learn from each member of the team and this means that I can develop into a knowledgeable solicitor.

If one of your friends was thinking about doing an apprenticeship, what advice would you give them?

I would advise them to be confident and ask questions. It can be difficult entering the work place at such a young age but the more engaged you are and the more questions you ask, the faster you will develop and learn.

Once you are qualified what are your plans for your future career?

Once I qualify, I intend to work as a solicitor. I’m not quite sure which part of the law I wish to practice but when I change departments throughout my apprenticeship, I will gain an insight into what each practice area is like to work in.