STUDENTS at a Bradford school are celebrating after being offered places at Oxford and Cambridge. 

UCAS offers have been rolling in at Bradford Grammar School.

So far, seven students have been offered Oxbridge places. 

Rebecca Flaherty said her "dream is becoming a reality" after she was offered a place on the Biochemistry (Molecular & Cellular) course at the University of Oxford.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Bradford Grammar School student Rebecca FlahertyBradford Grammar School student Rebecca Flaherty (Image: Bradford Grammar School)She said: “Getting the email with the offer on it was surreal – it was the first time that it actually felt real.

"I’m so excited that my dream is becoming a reality.

"I chose Oxford because I think I will really enjoy the seminars and close contact teaching, as well as living in such a beautiful and historical city."

Vivek Chaudhuri said he has "hit the academic jackpot" following his offer to study Medicine.

He said: “Getting an offer from Oxford for Medicine is like hitting the academic jackpot.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Vivek Chaudhuri has had an offer to study Medicine at the University of OxfordVivek Chaudhuri has had an offer to study Medicine at the University of Oxford (Image: Bradford Grammar School)"I feel very lucky to be offered this opportunity to further develop my academic interests in medicine and explore the different domains within this broad subject.

"For the moment, I need to focus on my A Levels so I can hopefully meet my offer. If all goes well, I’d love to pair academic medicine with clinical practice.”

Pollyanna Greene-Wright has been offered a place to study Classics at the University of Cambridge.

She said: “I am absolutely over the moon with my offer.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Pollyanna Greene-Wright is hoping to start at the University of Cambridge in SeptemberPollyanna Greene-Wright is hoping to start at the University of Cambridge in September (Image: Bradford Grammar School)"I chose to apply for Classics at Cambridge because it has been a long-term dream of mine, and after attending the open day last summer it really felt like home.

"In future, I’d love to stay in academia and hopefully get a PhD one day … if only to say ‘yes, actually, there *is* a doctor on board!’”

Lily Hirst hopes to be studying Law with French Law at the University of Oxford in September.

She said: “The offer from Oxford was a complete surprise.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Bradford Grammar School student Lily HirstBradford Grammar School student Lily Hirst (Image: Bradford Grammar School)"I had no real expectations, but it was such an honour to be given an interview, never mind an offer.

"I chose Oxford specifically for the law department’s reputation but also because of their unique teaching style."

Headmaster Simon Hinchliffe said “UCAS offers are rolling in, including seven Oxbridge ones, and I am delighted for our Year 13 students who have worked with a positive attitude and purpose since A Levels courses began.

"They are wonderfully supportive of each other in the classroom and it is great to see them celebrating each other’s successes.

"Wherever they are destined to go and whatever they choose to do, they all make me very proud.”