A KNIFE-wielding robber who stole cider whilst in “the throes of alcoholism” has been warned he could face a “substantial” prison sentence.

Donovan Taylor used a kitchen knife to threaten a worker in Paddock News on Market Street in Huddersfield on January 9 this year.

Taylor, 36, of Swan Court, Swan Lane, Lockwood in Huddersfield, stole four cans of cider valued at £7.50.

At Bradford Crown Court he pleaded guilty to robbery and possession of a knife via video link from HMP Leeds.

In mitigation barrister Fen Greatley-Hirsch said Taylor had been sleeping rough and was in “the throes of alcoholism” when he robbed the shop. 

He said his client had a family history of alcoholism, and that whilst in custody he had been receiving treatment for the condition as well as depression.

His Honour Judge Jonathan Rose warned Taylor that the “extremely serious” offences to which he had pleaded guilty carried with them the possibility of an extended prison sentence.

He asked if Taylor would accept support for treatment of his alcoholism, and for his mental health. Taylor replied: “One hundred per cent.”

The case was adjourned until March 26 this year.