A FORMER Bradford City assistant manager who set up a charity to help disadvantaged children and young people has been recognised at an event in Downing Street.

In 2005, Wayne Jacobs co-founded the One In A Million, which started as a small football project but now runs across the five parliamentary constituencies in the Bradford district. 

The charity engages with children and young people through sport, the arts and enterprise.

Wayne was invited to the special reception at Number 10 after he was nominated to attend by Shipley MP Philip Davies (Conservative).

The event - hosted by Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Lucy Frazer - recognised people doing extraordinary things for their community through sport.

Mr Jacobs played for the Bantams for 11 years and also took on the role as assistant manager for a further four years.

He said: "Thank you to Philip for his recognition for the work of One In A Million.

"Today is for all who have worked for the organisation over the years. 

"I am humbled, proud, and privileged to represent them today."

Mr Davies added: "Wayne has done so much for the city of Bradford and Shipley constituency and I was delighted when he was chosen to attend the event.

"I can think of no one more deserving - he has changed so many lives through the work that he and his team do.

"There are so many fantastic programmes being run by the charity across my constituency it is impossible to name them all.

"Just some of the examples include a World of Work programme whereby local employers and supporters of the charity come together and help young people find placements and are introduced to the workplace.

"Another excellent scheme is Streetwise Football Programme run from Titus Salt School – figures show since this programme started anti-social behaviour in the area has fallen by 70 per cent.

"I want to thank Wayne and all the staff at the charity and school for all the excellent work they do across the constituency and wider district."

In 2013, the charity also opened its own secondary school – One In A Million Free School – on the old Bradford City AFC Business Centre, funded through the Department for Education.

For more information about the charity, visit https://www.oiam.org