A BRADFORD dad has been taking part in more freezing fundraisers for the Children's Heart Surgery Fund (CHSF).

Matthew Greenwood's youngest daughter Lauren had open heart surgery at Leeds Children's Hospital more than 10 years ago.

Matthew and his loved ones are again raising money for the charity through a series of wince-inducing tests.

Throughout January, he is pursuing a daily challenge of immersing his body in a garden wheelie bin full of ice cold water. 

Each daily dip is filmed and posted on to social media for supporters to then donate towards the Leeds-based charity.

Matthew said: "Our family benefitted from the CHSF-parent accommodation throughout Lauren's time in hospital. 

"This was a huge support at the time and took away the stress of travelling back and forth, from hospital to home, while Lauren was being treated.

"We know that the funds raised from this challenge will mean more families can be supported by CHSF."

He devised the Wheelie Bin Cold Dip Challenge last year, when he raised more than £8,000 completing a similar daily trial over a month, but this year has upped the ante by adding 31 different 'guest dippers' each time - including his daughters, his wife and his brothers.

Support Matthew's challenge at