BRADFORD Council is proposing to install a network of average speed cameras along a major road in the district.

The £230,000 scheme would see the cameras installed between Cottingley and Keighley – along Sir Fred Hoyle Way and Airevalley Road – in a bid to improve road safety and address concerns over speeding.

These concerns have been raised by police and members of the public, Bradford Council said.

115mph speeder caught on the road 

Only this month, a man was sentenced for driving at 115mph on the road.

Mohammad Ahmad, 20, of Grandage Terrace, Whetley Hill, was caught - by manned equipment - driving an Audi A3 at a grossly excessive speed on November 5 last year.

He also didn’t have insurance. He was fined £150, ordered to pay costs of £90 and a surcharge of £60.

Ahmad also received a 56-day driving ban.

'This is a much-needed scheme' 

The camera scheme, which will be the first of its kind in the Bradford district, also involves reducing the speed limit along the entire stretch - from the roundabout at Cottingley through to the roundabout by Marley Stadium in Keighley - to a constant 50mph.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus:

This speed limit reduction is at the request of the police and the West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership.

Bradford Council bid for road safety funding from the Government’s City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The section on Airevalley RoadThe section on Airevalley Road (Image: Bradford Council)

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, who is Bradford Council’s executive member for regeneration, planning and transport, said: “I am happy that we've been able to secure the finance to be able to deliver this much-needed road safety scheme.

“The public, police and local councillors have raised concerns about speeding and anti-social driving on this stretch of road and this scheme is designed to reduce this.

“These cameras ensure a high level of speed compliance and lead to a reduce the number of serious and fatal incidents, they also allow the police to concentrate on other matters in the district.”

'It's a subject of frustration for so many' 

Last month, Keighley East councillors Caroline Firth, Lisa Robinson and Malcolm Slater pressed the need for cameras on the Keighley end of the dual carriageway.

"It's a subject of frustration for so many residents," said Cllr Robinson.

"It is an issue that people keep talking to us and emailing us about, and we raise it in the majority of meetings we have with highways officers and police.

"The police have staged many operations and caught lots of speeding drivers, but despite this we know there is still an issue."

Cllr Firth added: "The police work hard to disrupt speeding and criminality – but this isn’t on them, it’s on the drivers.

"Something long-term needs to be done, as police officers can’t just sit at the roadside all day and night trying to force people to stop being so selfish. We need some sort of speed cameras."