A DISABLED Bradford teenager who conquered his fears to learn a life-saving skill has received an award.

Myles Kay, 16, of Clayton, has spent the past 13 years trying to reach his goals through perseverance and hard work.

He has now achieved his Bronze Award for swimming following a session at Duck and Dive in Shipley.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Myles Kay, 16, who has Down's Syndrome, is celebrating after achieving his Bronze swimming award.Myles Kay, 16, who has Down's Syndrome, is celebrating after achieving his Bronze swimming award. (Image: Newsquest)

It has been a momentous occasion for Myles, who has Down’s Syndrome and is a pupil at Beechcliffe School in Keighley.

“Myles has just received his Bronze Award,” said Gary Hudson, owner of Duck and Dive at Shipley.

“He’s achieved something that most kids in a mainstream school don’t achieve now.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Myles Kay, right, with his sister, Amelia, and Gary Hudson, owner of Duck and Dive.Myles Kay, right, with his sister, Amelia, and Gary Hudson, owner of Duck and Dive. (Image: Newsquest)

“Myles has been swimming here since the age of three. He’s now 16. It’s taking him 13 years to achieve it, but achieved it he has. I’m proud of him.

“Myles' biggest fear has always been jumping in the water, but to achieve Bronze he had to do that in the deep end and swim 400 metres.”

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Myles Kay, 16, with his sister, Amelia, 21.Myles Kay, 16, with his sister, Amelia, 21. (Image: Newsquest)

To give him the confidence to do jump in, his sister Amelia got in the pool to encourage him.

Gary said Myles “dotes on” Amelia.

Myles’ mum, Annie Kaye, said: “Myles was born with Down’s Syndrome. He started swimming at Duck and Dive when he was at nursery.

“It was slow progress,” she said. “He was obviously scared to start off with, but after 13 years to get Bronze, he’s finally got there.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Myles Kayes smiles at the side of the pool.Myles Kayes smiles at the side of the pool. (Image: Newsquest)

“With the help of the swimming instructors, he’s gained confidence. It’s been a long haul, but he’s continued with it and persevered.

“Hands up to Gary and his team for supporting Myles all these years.”

Annie was so pleased and proud of her son for his hard work.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Myles Kay swims in the pool at Duck and Dive.Myles Kay swims in the pool at Duck and Dive. (Image: Newsquest)

“I can’t describe it,” she said. “It’s an achievement for him. He’s been going to swim lessons week in week out for 13 years. He attends once a week on a Tuesday.

“His big sister Amelia was in pool with him for his achievement. She was proud of him too.

“Myles had to jump in and swim to the shallow end and then climb out independently without using the stairs. It’s been a learning curve for him.”