ATTENDANCE has improved but pupils are still "regularly removed from lessons" at an 'inadequate' Bradford school, a new Ofsted report has said.

Co-op Academy Grange, on Haycliffe Lane in Little Horton, was handed the education watchdog’s lowest rating last May.

Inspectors conducted their first monitoring visit since that date on Tuesday, November 28, 2023.

A report, published on January 19, said: "Leaders have made progress to improve the school, but more work is necessary for the school to be no longer judged as having serious weaknesses."

The visit focussed on behaviour and attendance systems, the report said.

The school has taken "decisive action" on the former with behaviour in lessons "improving".

Inspectors added: "Pupils are still regularly removed from lessons, however, this number is decreasing."

Some pupils are still having a "mixed experience" in school.

The report said: "Most pupils feel that bullying is tackled effectively. Some disagree. Pupils also report that racist comments do happen in school."

Pupils feel staff "take racism much more seriously than before".

Staff report that behaviour on corridors continues to be "more variable" with leaders introducing "clear systems to tackle this".

The report added: "Suspensions are reducing. However, pupils with SEND and disadvantaged pupils continue to be overrepresented in these figures."

Improving attendance has been a "key focus" for the school and the number of pupils who are "persistently absent from school has reduced". 

There are also "robust systems" in place to tackle internal truancy.

Since the previous inspection, there have been "significant staffing changes across the school".

The senior leadership team has increased in size and the school has restructured its pastoral team.

Leaders were also seen to prioritise "improvements to the quality of pupils’ education".

Headteacher Alex Jeffrey said: "Our monitoring report in November 2023 recognised the improvements we have made in the areas of attendance, behaviour, and academic performance, and Ofsted have considered Co-op Academy Grange to be taking effective action in the report.

"As a school, we have made a considerable effort with the support of parents, students, and our staff to make this a school our community can be proud of.

"We appreciate the ongoing support and the trust will continue to take a very active role in offering further resources, expertise and capacity to ensure the school becomes a 'good' school in the short-term future."