EVERY day the NSPCC works with fundraisers, volunteers and local companies and organisations to ensure we can be here for children whenever they need us.

The NSPCC and our Childline service relies on donations for most of our funding, so the importance of our fundraisers cannot be understated. From a workplace bake sale to a gruelling mountain trek, it’s all vital to supporting our work.

Next month, our annual Number Day will be held in schools. Far less challenging than a marathon, but equally vital for supporting the NSPCC, it encourages children to engage with and enjoy maths through fundraising.

This year’s event, on Friday, February 2, offers free curriculum-based activities to schools to help them liven up their lessons while supporting the NSPCC. Schools can sign up through the NSPCC website and will receive fundraising tips and ideas like Buddy’s Key Challenge and Dress up for Digits. Participants will also receive resources to help them promote their fundraising events, and safeguarding lesson plans and online safety quizzes suitable for all ages.

Once again we’ve got support from veteran children’s TV presenter and maths enthusiast, Johnny Ball. Everyone’s favourite mathemagician has visited schools to help them gear up for Number Day and will be appearing at events on the day too. At last year’s events, Johnny told us Number Day was “a great way for all children and schools to celebrate the joy of learning mathematics while supporting a great cause”.

Everyone who registers for Number Day will have access online resources including new activities, games and quizzes which make maths fun. It’s maths, but not as you know it. Since Number Day was launched in 2000, it has raised millions for the NSPCC, with thousands of schools getting involved. Last year it raised an incredible £400,000, and we’re looking for even more schools to take part this year. On average, a young person contacts Childline every 45 seconds. The service costs around £30,000 a day to run, and while a call is free for young people, it costs roughly £4 to answer every call. The funds raised could also help our Schools Service visit primary classes to deliver Speak Out Stay Safe, an age-appropriate programme language to give children the knowledge and confidence to speak out about anything worrying them, including abuse. Last year the NSPCC delivered the programme to more than 185,000 children in more than 831 schools in the region.

We hope to recruit more volunteers - if you can spare a few hours a month email volunteerrecruitment@nspcc.org.uk