PLANS to remove unauthorised signage from a Grade I listed building and replace it with a more suitable frontage have been approved.

Late last year, there was an uproar when bright red signage was installed on 22 Market Street – a business on the ground level of the Wool Exchange on Market Street.

It was installed after a new business, a store called The Red Shop, opened in the unit.

Bradford Council announced it had begun an investigation into the unauthorised work shortly after.

In November, a planning application was submitted by Y Ahmedi to remove the unauthorised signage that dominates the shop front and replace it with something more suitable for one of Yorkshire’s finest buildings.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The frontage is out of keeping with its surroundingsThe frontage is out of keeping with its surroundings (Image: T&A)

The garish red signs would go – replaced by the name on the business painted on the existing fascia board.

Conservation Officers described the existing sign as “unpleasant” – and said the new signage would help restore the frontage to something more in-keeping with the building.

Approving the plans this week, Council officers said: “The proposed replacement signage will replace the unsightly modern signs which have been installed to the shop front on this building, improving the external appearance of the building and wider area through reflecting its previous traditional character.”