Volunteers are needed to educate Bradford children on the dangers of abuse.

The NSPCC needs more people to give their time for assemblies and workshops at primary schools.

Speak Out Stay Safe (SOSS) helps children aged five to 11 understand how to recognise abuse in all its forms through age-appropriate language.

It teaches them that abuse is never a child’s fault and how they have a right to be safe.

The charity also shares how they can get help from safe adults on its Childline service.

All NSPCC Schools Service volunteers are required to give a minimum commitment of visiting two schools a month.

They will receive training and support from their dedicated coordinator.

To apply to become an NSPCC Schools Service volunteer visit https://join-us.nspcc.org.uk/volunteers/

For further information, please contact volunteerrecruitment@nspcc.org.uk

Rosanne Smith, a volunteer who has been delivering workshops in Bradford in the last six months, said: “It has really helped build my confidence.

“Seeing the engagement and impact on children, as they learn to understand important messages about their wellbeing and the support that is available, has been both heartening and empowering. I've found the whole experience very rewarding.”