TWENTY-five jobs could be created at a Keighley business if plans to expand its site are given the green light.

Byworth Boilers, which currently employs 130 people at its Parkwood Street site, recently purchased a neighbouring plot of land on which to expand.

Proposals to flatten warehouse buildings on this site and replace them with a 324m² building were approved by Bradford Council in 2021.

But now the company, which has been based on the site since the 1970s, has expanded the scope of its plans, and instead wants to build a 1,565m² industrial manufacturing unit with associated office and storage space on the land instead.

A planning application for the new building, and a bridge to connect it to the rest of the site which is on a lower level to the company’s existing buildings, has now been submitted to Bradford Council.

The application says the work will allow the business to expand, creating up to 25 new jobs, and that the work is part of its “continued growth plan.”

The building would be used for boiler manufacturing and storage.

The application says the new building “will allow the manufacturing processes to be more efficiently connected between the stepped site and their output processes to grow and improve. The inclusion of the new linking bridge between the higher level of the site will create greater connectivity across the site and reduce vehicle and plant movement between the two levels.

“The site currently employs 130 staff. It is estimated that the proposal could increase employment on the site by approximately 25 employees.

“The proposed new facility responds to Byworth Boilers' sustainable and continued growth plan and long-term aspiration of the site.

“The expansion works will underpin the value of the site to the Dennis Baldwin Group, improving job security, creating new employment opportunity, and increasing the longevity of the site and surrounding area.

“It will increase employment opportunities for local people and the proposed works will have a visual improvement on the local area.”

The company has grown over 50 years to become one of the most successful boiler companies in the country.

In 1991 it was awarded the prestigious Royal Albert Hall contract for four new steam boilers, and in recent years it has been at the forefront for several innovations in the boiler industry.

A decision on the application is expected in March.