A PLAN to install a 25 metre high phone 5G tower has been refused due to its impact on the Green Belt.

Icon Tower Infrastructure Limited applied to Bradford Council for permission to replace an existing 10m phone tower at the Aire View Equestrian Centre in Long Lee.

The replacement would be 15 metres taller than the existing one, and have 12 antennas, four 600mm dishes, six cabinets and a 2.4m high fence around it.

The application said: “The new base station is required due to the existing mast being unsuitable for the necessary upgrade of equipment.

“The proposed mast will future proof the site as it has the capacity to host multiple operators’ equipment and the ability to host 5G technologies, which the existing mast lacks.”

The application was refused this week, with planning officers saying pointing out that another mast a short distance away had recently been increased in height from 12.5 metres to a shared mast of 17.5 metres.

They added: “The proposed mast would extend substantially above the trees and would also require some significant removal to accommodate the enlarged compound and installation of fencing and cabinets.

“The application has not provided an assessment on potential mast sharing or justification for the upgrade in light of the recent large mast to the east. The additional infrastructure would harm the openness of the Green Belt.”