After Christmas, you might feel like your body needs a break from certain products, whether that be cheese, meat, or chocolate. 

Or maybe you've been curious to try more food that you wouldn't normally try. 

Well now is your time as January becomes Veganuary, a month where you stick to a plant-based diet. 

That means swapping cow's milk for alternatives like oat or almond milk and meat products for substitutes. 

What is Veganuary?

The Veganuary campaign challenges members of the public to go vegan for the first 31 days of the year.

The challenge, which was launched in the UK, has been running since 2014 and has inspired more than one million people across the globe to try going vegan for January. 

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: It could be worth getting a 'Veganuary' calendar. It could be worth getting a 'Veganuary' calendar. (Image: Getty)

However, data suggests that ten times more people participate and try vegan each year. 

When you sign up for the Veganuary challenge you are then supported to try vegan through a series of emails, social media content, membership of a Facebook support group, and a website full of helpful resources like recipes, a starter kit and meal plans - so it really couldn't be any easier. 

Top Tips to Make It Through Veganuary 

For many, it might seem overwhelming to change your daily diet overnight for a whole month. 

But to make sure you feel ready to take on Veganuary, we've gathered some top tips to prepare you for the month. 

1. Planning is key

Before you wake up on January 1 ready to take the month by storm, you'll need to plan what you will be eating. 

If that means grabbing some vegan recipe books then we've got some great recommendations. 

  • Bosh Healthy Vegan
  • The Green Roasting Tin
  • MOB Veggie
  • One-Pot Vegan
  • There's a Vegan in the house
  • Vegan One Pound Meals
  • 15 Minutes Vegan

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: See if these top tips help you this Veganuary.See if these top tips help you this Veganuary. (Image: Getty)

2. See what food is accidentally vegan

There are loads of everyday food that you might not realise is vegan, like rice, pasta, peanut butter, crisps, tea, coffee, most bread and so much more. 

So before you plan look through your cupboards and see what you have stored away that happens to be vegan. 

3. Don't rush into it

You won't be able to suddenly change your whole diet overnight without having some cravings for your normal food. 

So instead find your favourite food in its vegan alternative, whether that's a bacon sandwich or chocolate, there's a vegan option out there. 

4. Don't go at it alone

If you think you might struggle to take on the task alone, ask around and see if you can make it a group effort. 

That way you can share recipes give each other advice and you'll all know what you're going through.