BRADFORD Council has “no plans” to introduce higher parking charges for more polluting vehicles – a councillor has been told.

Councillor Sally Birch (Cons, Bingley Rural) recently asked Council bosses whether the authority was planning to implement parking fees based on vehicle emissions.

Some authorities including Bath and Lambeth Council have recently introduced emission-based parking fees – with more polluting cars paying more than more environmentally friendly vehicles.

Cllr Birch recently submitted a question to Bradford Council asking: “Would the Leader be so kind as to confirm that the Labour Council has no intention of introducing car parking fees based on vehicle emissions, of the type which have recently been described as ‘the next stage in councils cleaning up British roads by making it less appealing to drive older and more polluting vehicles,’ whilst resulting in drivers who cannot afford to buy newer vehicles experiencing (as in Bath & North East Somerset) an increase of as much as from £1.50 to £2.50 per hour in parking costs?”

A response from the Council – released last month, said: “The Council has no plans to introduce emission-based parking charges.”