POLICE have pledged to deal with violence and disorder in the centre of a town in the Bradford district.

Officers will work with Pubwatch and other partners to combat concerns over trouble in Bingley.

Outlining 'Neighbourhood Priorities' for local areas, West Yorkshire Police said one of its points of action was to "deal with violent crime and disorderly conduct in Bingley centre, working with Pubwatch, developing local schemes and in conjunction with local licensing and public health."

Another priority for Bingley is to "deal with ongoing reports of street dealing in Myrtle Park and the surrounding residential streets. Work with the community developing and taking action on reports and intelligence received."

Police in the area also aim to reduce residential burglaries, working in conjunction with partner agencies and increasing Neighbourhood Watch schemes and community awareness.

Addressinf concerns raised regarding speeding, specifically in rural villages and Cottingley, will be another area of focus for officers.