MOTIONS will be heard at a Bradford Council meeting calling for a permanent ceasefire amid the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict.

There has been a huge strength of feeling in the Bradford district over the past two months, with regular demonstrations and vigils held.

One motion will be moved by Bradford Council leader Susan Hinchcliffe.

It says: “The peaceful demonstrations that have been happening almost daily in Bradford and Keighley.  

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: A demonstration in Bradford city centre A demonstration in Bradford city centre (Image: Newsquest)

“We hear the calls of communities across the district and join with them in asking for an immediate and permanent ceasefire.  

“We thank West Yorkshire Police for their responsible policing of these demonstrations.”

It adds: “We unequivocally condemn the collective punishment of Palestinian civilians by the Israeli Government which have meant 1.5 million people have been displaced.  

“We unequivocally condemn the terrorist attacks by Hamas against civilians in Israel.  

“Indiscriminate attacks against civilians is a direct violation of international law. We believe all crimes and war crimes should be prosecuted.  

“We ask for a permanent end to the siege of Gaza with proper access to food, water, power and medical supplies being restored.”

'Deep concern' over Islamophobia and Antisemitism 

The motion says there is deep concern about the rise of Islamophobia and Antisemitism in the country but adds that the district has “always taken a stand” against all forms of racism.

“Hate will never be tolerated here,” it says.   

“We are a place of peace where people come together, this conflict must not prise us apart.”

It adds: “We condemn the attacks on the two shops in Keighley as completely unacceptable and support the police in holding a proper investigation to find those who committed these acts to bring them to justice.”

'No justification for loss of innocent lives on both sides' 

Another motion will be moved by Councillor Taj Salam (Independent, Little Horton).

He resigned from the Labour Party in October over comments made by Sir Keir Starmer

In the motion, he says: “We stand in solidarity with all those residents, living in our district, who have family and friends in Gaza and the West Bank in Palestine and in Israel.

“This Council deeply regrets and condemns the tragic loss of civilian life in both the Hamas terrorist attacks on the 7th of October and the ensuing indiscriminate bombardment of the Gaza strip by Israel.”

It adds: "There can be no justification for the loss of innocent lives on both sides, and all atrocities committed against civilians must be condemned and investigated.

“Hamas’ appalling murder of civilians in Israel must be unequivocally condemned, and we continue to call for the safe, unconditional release of all hostages.”

It adds that the “indiscriminate killing” of Palestinians must also be unequivocally condemned.

The motion says the tragic events must not be allowed to divide communities in the district.

Bradford Council's Full Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 12 at 4pm at Bradford City Hall.