A SPECIAL school has been rated 'outstanding' by Government inspectors.

Ofsted praised Beckfoot Phoenix, Keighley, for its "excellent education provision, broad enrichment programme and positive relationships between staff and pupils".

The report recognises improvements made since the school, in Braithwaite Avenue, underwent an ungraded inspection 18 months ago.

Beckfoot Phoenix caters for children aged two to 11 with severe learning difficulties and profound and complex learning and medical needs.

Inspectors graded the school, part of Beckfoot Trust, as 'outstanding' across all areas.

They say families are well supported by staff, who go "above and beyond".

"The school is a very special place that has high expectations for all," Ofsted adds.

"Staff are highly skilled and leaders continually seek ways to improve.

"Pupils are valued highly and nurtured exceptionally well and benefit from, and thrive because of, specialist medical and therapeutic support.

"The school has implemented successful routines which help pupils feel safe and understand what is expected of them.

"Pupils’ complex needs are well addressed, and thoughtfully-designed 'calming spaces' help reduce anxiety. Staff use creative techniques to help pupils be ready to learn."

Inspectors praised the curriculum for being "very well sequenced and broad and ambitious".

"Learning is well matched to each pupil's age and stage of development," says the report. "The school plans with precision to meet each pupil’s special educational needs and/or disability effectively."

Reading is prioritised, and staff "seize every opportunity to develop pupils’ vocabulary and understanding of language".

Beckfoot Phoenix headteacher, Sarah Lloyd, says: "I am incredibly proud of the whole school community.

"The report is testament to the fantastic community we have at Beckfoot Phoenix and it is thanks to the hard work of all our staff, who continue to go above and beyond for our pupils.

"Alongside our staff, I would like to thank our trust, which has continued to provide the rigorous support that has allowed us to implement changes which have led to the improvements recognised by Ofsted.

"Whilst we are delighted with the judgment, we will continue to work tirelessly to the trust mission of ‘creating remarkable schools where no child is left behind’."

Shirley Watson, chief executive officer of Beckfoot Trust, says: "This outstanding report demonstrates the hard work of all staff, pupils and the wider school community at Beckfoot Phoenix. I am proud of the result and want to thank every individual who has helped the school reach this achievement."