THE Topic Folk Club will this week host a young musician who is making a name for himself across the country.

Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne will present a special event at the Shipley-based Groove Pad, on Saltaire Road, on Thursday.

It will feature the results of his research into English folk songs which have entered the African-American musical traditions.

Cohen said: "The subject is something I've been interested in for years.

"A research project in 2020 and 2021 supported by the English Folk Dance and Song Society allowed me to explore this subject in some detail for the first time.

"The final product of that research was an educational resource aimed at secondary school teachers to incorporate in their curriculum.

"While the educational resource was well received, it has a fairly limited audience, so the idea for this event is to present some of the material I discovered in my research project - much of which didn't end up in the final resource - along with material that I've discovered since."

The show starts at 7.30pm, with doors opening at 7pm. Entry is £7 on the door, or £6 for club members.