A FIFTH of people in Bradford work in severely insecure jobs, new analysis reveals.

The Work Foundation think tank has studied figures from the Office for National Statistics' Labour Force Survey 2021-22

The figures show 21.2 per cent of workers in Bradford were in severely insecure jobs – a higher rate than the average of 19.2 per cent in the West Yorkshire Combined Authority area.

Insecure work is defined by the think tank as employment that is involuntarily temporary or part-time, or when multiple forms of insecurity come together, such as casual or zero-hours contracts, or low or unpredictable pay. 

The Work Foundation found one in five of those in employment in England were in unstable jobs.

A Government spokesperson said: "Zero hours contracts are an important part of the UK's flexible labour market helping people balance work around other commitments, and the Government has consistently acted to ensure employees are protected in these roles.

"Numbers in temporary work due to an inability to find permanent roles are down almost 200,000 since 2010.

"Our In-Work Progression Offer for people on Universal Credit means over one million low-income earners can tap into additional support to help secure promotions and boost their finances."