A charity has announced support for elderly people struggling with the cost of living crisis this winter.

Age UK Bradford District warned the cost of living crisis is having a significant impact on older people with a limited income.

It is leaving some people with the difficult dilemma of heating their home or eating a meal. 

The charity’s Help the Elderly campaign is set to launch at Airedale Shopping Centre in Keighley on November 27.   

Mark Rounding, CEO of Age UK Bradford District, said: "Cold weather can have serious health consequences for older people and those with heart or lung conditions can be particularly at risk. The advice is to maintain indoor temperatures of at least 18°C, particularly for those who are less mobile or have a long-term illness. Our information and advice team can connect older people with benefits they may be entitled to, enabling them to keep warm and keep food on the table.”

The charity is appealing for donations to the campaign’s fund which will be used towards one to one appointments and much more.  

You can donate online by visiting www.justgiving.com/campaign/HelptheElderly22 or text the word TODA to 70480 for £5, 70460 for £10, and 70490 for £20.