A BRADFORD nursery once rated 'inadequate' has made "significant improvements" and is now rated as 'good'. 

Thornbury Play & Learn Nursery on Thornbury Road was visited by the education watchdog on October 5 following a previous visit in June. 

Inspectors found the newly-appointed manager and staff had worked hard to turn the nursery around.

It was rated as 'good' for the quality of education; behaviour and attitudes; personal development and leadership and management.

The report said: “Children show that they feel happy and safe in the care of the nurturing adults. They cheerily greet staff and separate well from their parents.

“Children demonstrate that they are familiar with the nursery routines as they hang up their coats independently and get ready to start their day.”

The new manager of the nursery was described as "highly qualified" and "experienced" with a clear understanding of what she intends for children to learn and helps staff implement this.

Children at the nursery responded well to the staff, inspectors said.

“Children cuddle up to staff as they listen to exciting stories and join in with songs and rhymes," the report said. 

“They listen and respond to instructions and join in with conversations. This helps to build on children's good communication and language skills.”

Inspectors added: "Staff demonstrate an excellent awareness of safeguarding practices.

"They are vigilant and supervise children well. Staff understand the process to follow in the event of a concern about the welfare of a child.

"The manager has recently completed an in-depth review of all policies and procedures at the setting."

Ofsted said that to further improve the quality of the early years provision, the nursery should: "Build on the good performance management procedures to help to identify and address any emerging weaknesses in practice and enhance children's understanding of how their feelings and behaviours may impact on others."

It added: “She has implemented performance management procedures, including supervision sessions.

"However, the manager has not yet had time to embed these fully in practice to help to swiftly identify and address any emerging weaknesses in practice.”


Nursery manager Emma Bell, said: “We are absolutely delighted that the Ofsted inspector recognised the high quality of provision that the new team are providing.

"We are now welcoming new children into the setting.”