BINGLEY Little Theatre is staging JB Priestley comedy classic When We Are Married.

It is 1908 and three couples - old friends, all married on the same day in the same chapel - gather to celebrate their Silver Anniversary. When they discover that none of them are legally wed, they’re appalled. What will the neighbours think?

As the couples re-evaluate their marriages, hovering over proceedings is a boozy Yorkshire Argus photographer, a caustic housekeeper, a young chapel organist and ‘good-time Lottie’. What exactly is she after?

Says director Robin Martin: “Bradford’s own JB Priestley’s writing is genius; his characters are well-drawn, his observation of people astute and his plot brilliantly constructed.”

When We Are Married was the first production by a company which, in 1943, became Bingley little Theatre. This is the fifth time it has been performed by BLT. Says Robin: “It’s one of the first plays I was involved in at BLT. Little did I know, in 1979, that I’d be directing it here decades later.”

Real-life married couples Glenn and Julie Boldy play Joe and Maria Helliwell, and Yvonne and David Templeton play Clara and Herbert Soppitt.

* When We Are Married is at Bingley Arts Centre, December 4-9. Call (01274) 567983 or visit