A YOUNG Bradford boy is enjoying a "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity to meet two others who share his rare genetic disorder.

Jayden Young, 10, and his family are currently in Denver, Colorado, in the USA. 

The Thackley Primary School pupil has Noonan's Syndrome - a genetic condition that stops typical development in various parts of the body.

The Youngs are meeting up with the families of Wyatt, nine, and 11-year-old Diego over in the US.

"Last night, we met Diego and Wyatt for the first time in Denver," said Jayden's father Alistair Young.

"Jayden said he is having the best time ever meeting young people with Noonan's syndrome."

He added: "Jayden has always wanted to meet and learn from other children who have the syndrome.

"It (the condition) is so rare very few children in England have it.

"Since Covid, we have become friends with a few families from America with children who have the syndrome."

The families exchanged messages online and had the idea of flying out there a few months ago.

Alistair said: "To get three Noonan's Syndrome children together is quite remarkable.

"It shows how rare the disorder is that we have to travel across the world.

"Hopefully this will help other families affected by the condition."