AUTUMN is the season for muddy woodland walks, kicking through piles of crunchy golden leaves.

As tree seeds ripen and fall, you’ll find heaps of acorns and shiny conkers on the ground.

Although autumnal walks with your dog can be beautiful, it’s important to be aware of the seasonal dangers that could be harmful to them.

Says PDSA Vet Lynne James : “Acorns and conkers perfectly signify the seasons changing, and whilst we may enjoy collecting or playing with them, they can be a danger for pets if swallowed.

“Thankfully, the bitter taste stops most pets eating them, however they can be tempting to play with and some owners enjoy throwing conkers for pets to catch without realising the risks.

“They can easily swallow them, causing tummy upsets or even life-threatening blockage of the throat or intestines. They also contain toxins, which can be harmful to pets.

“If your pet is showing signs of choking on an acorn or conker, this is when pet first aid can become a life-saver. Download our free pet first aid guide for basic steps to protect your pets.”

* Choking: “A choking pet will have difficulty breathing, make choking sounds, might paw at their mouth and you might see their lips, gums and tongue turning blue. Panic can be a natural reaction but try to keep yourself and your pet calm. If they’re conscious, try to gently open their mouth to look for something that’s stuck. If you can see a blockage use tweezers from your pet first aid kit, or a strong pen to remove it. Take care when putting anything in your pet’s mouth and never use fingers as they may panic and could bite by accident. If you can’t remove it and your pet is collapsed and unconscious, lay them on their side and place both hands on the side of your pet’s rib cage. Then push quickly and firmly or strike the rib cage with the flat of your hand three to four times - the idea is to push air and the object out of their lungs.

“If you're still unable to dislodge the object, call your vet for an emergency appointment."

* Acorns: “Acorns contain a toxin that if ingested, can make your pet sick. If eaten in large amounts, acorns can even cause kidney and liver failure. Unripe, green acorns are more poisonous than brown ones, but all parts of the oak tree are poisonous if eaten.

* Conkers: "Conkers contain a mixture of toxic compounds which may cause signs of poisoning, such as vomiting, diarrhoea and collapse. They have a bitter taste that puts most pets off but if consumed in large amounts, conkers can cause more serious effects and can be deadly." Visit