A BRADFORD primary school where ‘pupils feel safe and well supported by staff’ has been rated good by Ofsted.

Heaton St Barnabas’ CofE Aided Primary School, on Rossefield Road, has been given a good rating by the education watchdog after its recent inspection on July 11 and 12.

The school was described as a ‘happy’ and ‘inclusive’ place that sits in the heart of the community, where the core values of honesty, happiness, responsibility, respect, kindness and enthusiasm are the centre.

Regarding what it’s like to attend this school, the report said: “Staff have high expectations for all pupils. Pupils behave well in classrooms and around the school. Relationships between pupils, staff and parents are strong.

“Leaders’ knowledge of the community means that they have been able to shape the curriculum so that pupils are prepared for life beyond the school.

“Pupils are proud of their school and its place in the community. Pupils feel safe and well supported by staff.”

The report highlights reading is a priority at this school and leaders have ‘prioritised the development’ of the curriculum so students build their fluency and confidence.

However, inspectors found ‘a few inconsistencies in the teaching of the reading programme because some staff have had less guidance and support', meaning some pupils do not make as much progress as they could.

Though work has been done to make the general school curriculum more engaging with school visits, the order in which children are taught knowledge is not complete for all subjects.

The report states: “Sometimes teachers do not teach content in a logical order. This limits the depth of knowledge that pupils acquire.”

The arrangements for safeguarding at this school have been deemed effective as leaders ensure that all staff receive regular training and updates.

Mrs Diane Smith, Headteacher at Heaton St Barnabas’ CofE Aided Primary School. “I'm delighted with our recent inspection report. It acknowledges all the work that the school and its community has done in recent years to ensure our children thrive in all aspects of their learning and social interaction.

“Our school is definitely a place where children are happy and flourish, regardless of their ability. Children regularly take part in a wide variety of events and visits that broaden their experiences of life in the world outside school. 

“It's a privilege to work with such a committed team of staff, parents and community leaders who all contribute to the success of the school. We are all very proud of our school and its work in preparing our children to be ambitious, aspirational and positive role models within our community.”