A POWERFUL new campaign tackling everyday harassment and inappropriate male behaviour towards women and girls has been launched.

“Just Don’t” is the latest step in the Mayor of West Yorkshire Tracy Brabin’s fight to improve the safety of women and girls.

Shocking research has shown that 86% of young women in the UK have experienced sexual harassment in public.

The campaign is centred around a powerful video which shows men and boys making excuses for inappropriate behaviour and harassment in everyday situations.

This escalates to a chilling finale where a male perpetrator makes a threat about knowing where a young woman lives.

Mayor Brabin said: “The fact that we, as women and girls, have to face constant harassment and abuse in our everyday lives is appalling, but sadly not surprising.

“This isn’t about blame — men and boys have a key role to play in helping us end this behaviour.

"This is about encouraging them as allies to see the problem and empowering them to help us by stepping up and calling it out.

“Things must change. Our message in this campaign is that it’s not banter, it’s not harmless, and it’s not OK — so just don’t."

Women from West Yorkshire have been expressing their concerns and experiences.

One young woman said: "I’d have been at the police station weekly, or sometimes daily, if I’d reported every time I’ve been groped, followed etc."

Another added: “Over the years I’ve [been] grabbed, [had] comments made a thousand times when in bars and clubs.”

A third said: "[I’ve been] trapped in a window seat on the bus by men who deliberately sit next to me rather than take one of many empty double seats.

"Usually have to get off the bus at a different stop and go into a shop to make sure they’re not following me."

Det Ch Supt Lee Berry, Director of the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership, said: “This campaign highlights the shocking extent of harassment and intimidation that women and girls endure on a daily basis.

“By working together, understanding the impact and setting the expectations, we can bring about the change needed.”

Detective Superintendent Vanessa Rolfe, West Yorkshire Police’s Lead for Violence Against Women and Girls, said: “Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls continues to be a top priority for West Yorkshire Police, and we will continue to work alongside our partners to raise awareness around the impact of inappropriate behaviour."