TEN Bradford district parents have had to each pay more than £1,000 for failing to ensure their children attended school.

The cases of the parents – all of whom cannot be named for legal reasons to protect the identities of their children – were heard at Bradford and Keighley Magistrates’ Court on August 24.

The charges were brought by Bradford Council.

In each case, it was proven that the defendants were parents of children of compulsory school age registered at a school who failed to attend regularly.

All of the ten parents were each forced to pay a total of £1,074 (£660 fine, £264 victim surcharge and £150 court costs).

Two parents failed to ensure their 16-year-old went to school for almost three months, between February 27 and May 19.

In the same area, a parent was in court after their 13-year-old did not go to school from May 20 to June 16.

It was a similar case elsewhere for another parent whose 13-year-old did not attend school from March 13 to June 9.

The same three-month period of non-attendance was used by another parent with their 12-year-old.

Between February 27 and May 19, a parent failed to ensure their 13-year-old went to school.

Elsewhere, a parent had two children, aged 12 and 13, who did not go to school for months.

The latter had an extra week off than their younger sibling between March 20 and June 16.

Another parent failed to ensure their 14-year-old attended school for just over a month from February 20 to March 31.

A parent allowed her seven and 10-year-old to avoid going to school between March 27 and June 23.

Finally, a 14-year-old did not attend school from March 13 to June 9 meaning their parent had to pay the £1,074 total.