A YOUNG man drove 80mph on 30mph speed limit roads during a police chase after making an officer “flinch” when overtaking.

Rayhan Hussain, 23, of Pasture Close, Clayton was sentenced at Bradford Crown Court on Wednesday for dangerous driving and driving under the influence of cannabis.

He was handed a 12-month prison sentence, suspended for two years.

The 23-year-old also received a mandatory disqualification from driving for 12 months.

Hussain was seen driving a silver Toyota Yaris on Westgate Hill Street, in Tong at around 7am on New Years Eve 2022, the court heard.

He overtook a car in a controlled area and came “close enough to an oncoming police car that it made one of the officers flinch”.

Police turned around to follow Hussain and when he failed to stop, a chase lasting roughly five minutes began.

The prosecution said during the time of Hussain “trying to evade police”, he was overtaking and undertaking other vehicles and drove on the wrong side of the road at traffic lights, which forced other road users to stop.

They added that Hussain was clocked going at speeds up to 80mph in 30mph zones and 50mph in 20mph residential areas.

The chase ended when Hussain abandoned the car and officers managed to catch him on foot before arresting him.

Cannabis was found in the car and Hussain said it was this that caused him to drive off from police, the court heard.

Hussain had 5.7 microgrammes of THC per litre of blood in his system, which is over the two microgrammes limit.

In a police interview, Hussain admitted driving and said he did not want to stop because of the cannabis.

The court heard he admitted “putting his foot down” but said he was still in control of the car.

Mr Recorder Anthony Hawks said: “You are a young man of previous good character.”

He added: “However, last year you did a very stupid thing.

“You decided to drive a car when you were under the influence of cannabis and had cannabis in your car.

“You drove too close to a police car, probably because you were intoxicated.”

The judge explained he had read the defence’s report about Hussain which said he was in a steady relationship and work and had never been in trouble before.

Hussain’s sentence included 150 hours of unpaid work.

Mr Hawks said: “I take the view you’re essentially a decent, hardworking young man, who’s done one stupid thing.”