ALMOST 60 people have objected to plans to build homes on a plot of land in Oxenhope.

On Wednesday, Councillors will decide on a planning application for nine homes on land off Cross Lane.

The application, by Richard Roberts Ltd, has been recommended for approval by planning officers.

A report to Bradford Council’s Keighley and Shipley Area Planning Panel reveals that 59 people have objected to the plans, as has Oxenhope Village Council.

The village Council says the four bed homes will do little to address the need for smaller homes in Oxenhope, and believe the land should be designated as a local green space.

Other objectors also questioned the loss of a green space.

But suggesting the panel approves the scheme, a report by officers says: “The provision of housing on this site provides benefits which outweigh the loss of the site as open space. The lack of a five-year housing land supply, and the need to meet the housing requirement should be given notable weight.”